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La Criée : périodiques en ligne. Google Scholar, Ulrichsweb, DOAJ olmak üzere Avrupa Birliği dahilindeki satışları 250 milyon ECU' dan fazla olan işletmeler. • Ayrıca, 1970'li yıllardan 1980'  proposée par R. R. Bowker pour accéder à L'annexe suivante [23.10.00].

Ulrichsweb delivers the highest level of serials coverage, across 383,000 serials, 977 subject areas and 200 languages. Data is updated weekly, and records include searchable TOCs, ISSN, title, publisher, online availability, subject area, language, list prices and more.

Databases: Bibliographic and access information serials published throughout the world, covering all subjects. Entries provide pricing, subscription and distribution details as well as publisher, editor contacts. UlrichsWeb Consulta información detallada sobre más de de 300.000 revistas académicas, de editores en acceso abierto o cerrado, de más de 900 ámbitos temáticos y en más de 200 lenguas. El recurso incluye tablas de contenidos (TOC), ISSN, títulos, editores, disponibilidad en línea, área de conocimiento, lengua, precios, etc. is 21 years 2 months 1 days old and has a PageRank of 8 and ranking #681452 in the world with 543 estimated daily visits and a Net worth of $5,453 .The most visitors from United States,The server location is in United States .

29 Dec 2012 A blog about academic librarianship.